With Healthy Families First Broadcast & Media

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How to Get Advertisers for Internet Radio Station/Podcast

The Power of Multimedia

We can grow your business by delivering very specific audiences and solutions through a combination of:
Targeted Digital, Mobile, Social and Video Advertising
Radio, the #1 Reach Medium in America
Local Celebrity Influencers
Popular Events
Website Design and Hosting
SEO - Get Found on the First Page of Search Results
Social Content
Today, we’re excited to take the wraps off a new TV streaming-first advertising technology solution that allows advertisers to plug into a range of ad inventory using their WHFF Broadcast and Media platforms. Our premium advertising maximizes performance of advertiser campaigns. The goal is to assist in the facilitation and flow of your ad space. Wherer TV streaming, Web.tv, International Radio and or Internet streaming radios.

What does this mean for advertisers?

With access to data and supply from millions of streaming households, Roku Exchange offers:
Audience-based ad decisioning on and branded buildings within with robust programmatic access to TV streaming inventory and identity data, and ad placement. At WHFF; for you, advertisers the potential to reach your audiences more accurately and precisely on our platform. Premium TV streaming publishers, providing transparent content, genre reporting, optimization and audience engagement with content through personalized ad breaks and tailored ad creative. Contact us to assist to integrate more seamlessly with the programmatic ecosystem.

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